
For Witches, Imbolc is a time of celebration during the end of winter, and the coming of Spring.

Imbolc is a pagan Quarter Days festival (otherwise known as fire festivals), a Greater Sabbat marking a new turn of the wheel.

Imbolc begins on the first of February at sunset and lasts until the end of the second day of Febuary at sunset.

February is a time for cleansing and purification, the word February originating from a Latin word meaning ‘purify by sacrifice’. Purification rituals and celebrations are most prevalent during this time. Lent is a festival of purification through sacrifice - Fasting being a form of purification through sacrifice (such as holding off on those sweet treats that we indulged during Yule).

This time of year is also a time of reflection and resolutions, as we reflect on the past and make resolutions and intentions for the future.

What is imbolc?

Imbolc celebrates the coming of Spring on the first of February, equidistant between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.

It is a very ancient pagan festival, dating back to the dawn of civilisation. Imbolc is also one of the great fire festivals, a time when farmers started to plough their fields and prepare for a fresh start for their crops. It is also a celebration of motherhood as this time of year is when Ewes start to give birth to baby lambs, and so milk and dairy products became available.

As the snow starts to melt away and the days grow longer, the Green Man walks the earth sowing the seeds of spring and life into the Earth. Fertility deities also start to arise and start working their magic, impregnating the earth with the seeds of life so that Spring and Summer can flourish. This is when people typically find their magick really start to come into their own, as the goddesses, gods and deities spread their magick across the earth, it replenishes our own. Traditionally Village folk would visit a local Cunning Woman to re-energise their talismans and charms, as this time of year is when a witches magick starts to really flourish and become more in tune with the earth.

During this time, Witches will often cleanse their tools, alters and purify their homes. Imbolc is a great time to refresh and purify your home with purification ceremonies as well as cleansing, purifying and re-energising yourself for the coming Spring.

Pagans, Wiccans and witches also traditionally celebrate the Triple Goddess and the Gaelic Goddess Brigid, as well as a variety of fertility deities during this time.

On the second day of February, known as Candlemas by Christians, this festival is symbolised by snow drops as snow drops are commonly the first to bud during this time. There are superstitions about bringing snow drops into the home an omen for bad luck before the 14th of February, as they are a symbol of death. They are often planted or buried with recently deceased folk as they are said to show the deceased the way into the afterlife. After the 14th of February, pagans decorate their homes with this beautiful little flower.

Candlemas originates from the pagan tradition of purifying candles, particularly before a grand feast. Like many Christian holidays, Candlemas rituals and celebrations were appropriated from the pagan celebration, which is why Candlemas has a familiarity to that of Imbolc.

It is an old tradition during Imbolc to clear out the hearth and light a new one. Village folk would often start their fires from ‘sacred fire’, taking fire blessed by a druid to start up the newly cleansed hearth. For those who do not have a local druid or even a hearth, you can still follow the tradition by consecrating a candle by enveloping the candle with the smoke of purifying herbs, maybe even setting your intentions and anointing the candle with purifying essential oils.

As with most pagan festivals, a wonderful way to celebrate is to have a feast with loved ones, using your newly blessed candles or in front of your newly cleansed and blessed hearth.

Anyone can celebrate Imbolc in any way you wish to. But Imbolc is the perfect time to meditate and reflect on the past, think of new goals and intentions to work towards, as well as cleansing and purifying your home and tools. Out with the old, so you can start fresh with the new.




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