Astrological Events 2023

Astrology is a fascinating way of understanding ourselves and our place in the cosmos. In 2023, astrological events will be aplenty, offering us unique opportunities to reflect and grow.

Astrological Events that have already occurred this year:

The astrological year of 2023 will start off with a bang; on January 17th, Jupiter and Saturn conjoined in Aquarius for their once-in-twenty-year great conjunction. This astrological event can bring about massive changes both individually and collectively, representing a shift from the old ways towards new beginnings reflecting innovation and progression. It could signify an emergence of revolutionary ideas or an embrace for change.

Current and Upcoming Events:

In March, Uranus finally completes its transit through Aries after 8 long years and enters Taurus, where it will stay until April 2026. During this period, we may experience unexpected financial shifts as well as a need to reconsider our values about money, possessions and security. The astrological energy of Uranus encourages us to think outside the box when it comes to investments and wealth accumulation; it's time to be creative with our resources so that they can truly serve us in the long run.

At the beginning of June, we will experience a total solar eclipse in Gemini that can trigger our minds into thinking differently about life-long beliefs or habits that may no longer be serving us. Old patterns could dissolve under this astrological occurrence, allowing us to make space for something new. Additionally, this eclipse could open up doors for spiritual growth that has been waiting to happen for some time now—a period for real soul work!

Finally, December brings a lunar eclipse in Cancer which can give us the chance to go within ourselves and recognize any emotional blocks that need releasing before the end of the year. We may also gain deeper insights into how our intuition works during this astrological event—it's important to listen closely to what our inner voice is telling us at this time so we can move forward with courage and conviction into 2024.

2023 promises to be an interesting astrological year full of possibilities! These events offer chances for personal transformation as well as collective advancement—each one calling upon us all to step into greater alignment with ourselves so we can manifest what's most meaningful for ourselves, each other and planet Earth itself at this time.



